Category News
Published 2022 07

Celebrating AEW’s 30th Birthday!

From the practice’s early beginnings on the 4th July 1992 with three staff John Albutt, Dave Evans and Christian Wewer (A, E and W) located above a pub on Liverpool Road, to an 85-strong practice in a new penthouse office on John Dalton Street, AEW has come a long way in the past 30 years and we are proud to celebrate this milestone Birthday.

During this time, the practice has continued to develop and progress through the skill, dedication and hard work of a fantastic team of people and through some great leadership, including other former directors Andy Critchlow, Nigel Machin and Steve Burne.

Since the current Senior Leadership Team took the mantle in 2020, we have continued to build on the strong foundations laid before us, and despite the many obvious challenges of the past few years, the practice has gone from strength to strength. We have grown, diversified our sectors, broadened our client base, and put sustainability at the heart of everything we do, both as a business and in our enhanced service offering. Whilst we have grown, we have strived to keep the AEW values and family ethos and continue to be one of the Best Places to Work in Property.

To celebrate these achievements and to thank those who’ve worked with us along the way, we hosted a party on our terrace for some of our clients, staff and collaborators. From a timeline of our achievements, sharing staff photos through the years and guests including old and new staff, we took the opportunity to showcase our work and relationships from the past three decades as well as toasting our Birthday with a drink or two.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the event, and to everyone who has chosen to work with AEW over the past 3 decades, we couldn’t do what we do without a huge team effort.

Here’s to the next 30 years!

(Photography: Dave Phillips Photography)

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