Category News
Published 2022 09

Examining the Future of Retail with Place NW

On Thursday 15th September, we attended Place North West’s Future of Retail Event. The conference, which was jointly sponsored by ourselves and TLT LLP, covered topics ranging from how to encourage city centre footfall levels to the positives of pop-up retail and competitive socialising.

The audience first heard from Vaughan Allan, Chief Executive of CityCo and Manchester BID, who shared Manchester’s retail statistics since the BID’s inception 10 years ago. This was followed by a presentation from Matt Colledge, Board Member and Project Director of the High Streets Task Force, who discussed changes in the retail sector over the past 50 years.

Next up was a session examining shopping destinations of the future, with AEW Director Danielle Purves joining the panel to discuss issues ranging from technology through to the needs of the next generation.

Danielle, said:

“The retail industry used to be a service industry. You went and interacted with people, you touched the products, and you came away after having an experience. It’s moved the other way into a real tech business and I think the future really needs to bring it back.”

“There are a lot of companies out there that have amazing online platforms that perhaps aren’t reciprocated when you go into the bricks and mortar offering. I think it’s making sure that you have got that connectivity between the two. I think that’s something the younger generation are going to be pushing for.”

Read the full summary, and view the presentation slides and photos from the event, on the Place North West website.

Thank you to everyone who attended and please get in touch with Director Danielle Purves if we can assist you with any of your future retail or leisure projects.

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