Category News
Published 2022 04

Place NW Industrial + Logistics Event

On Thursday 12th May, we attended Place North West’s Industrial + Logistics event. The conference, which was jointly sponsored by ourselves, Harworth, JMW, Waterman, Panattoni and Lexington, covered topics ranging from what’s driving record take-up to sustainability.

The audience first heard from Andrew Lynn, partner at DTRE who shared an overview on the market and results from recent research. This was followed by a panel session on the ‘State of the Market’.

Next up was panel session ‘Go Big or Go Home’ with Aew Director, Alan Lamb joining to discuss issues ranging from the planning process to what logistics developments may look like in 15 years. On the latter topic, Alan responded –

“It’s tall buildings, it’s buildings that are designed to be adaptable, it’s buildings that need to be sustainable and energy generating… we can’t build rubbish now that we need to retrofit in 15 years – we should be building something now that we’ll be tweaking in 15 years.”

Read the full summary and view photos from the event on Place North West.

Thank you to everyone who attended and please get in touch if we can assist with any of your future industrial projects.

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