Brendan joined AEW in 2014 as a Planning Consultant. He is both a qualified Architect and Planner allowing him to provide unique insight and guidance to the practice.


Planning Consultant



Key Skills

  • Combined architectural and town planning knowledge and expertise
  • Managing and coordinating the submission of planning applications
  • Experienced in legislation for all areas of the UK


Brendan is a highly skilled professional with over 15 years of experience within the industry. Before qualifying as a planner, Brendan previously qualified as an Architect, providing him with a unique understanding of the planning system from multiple perspectives. He works closely with teams across the practice to balance the requirements of the client’s brief with the aspirations of the local planning authority, the local community and other statutory consultees on our projects. He also prepares and submits planning documents including design and access, planning and heritage statements in support of projects as required.

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