Ross re-joined AEW in 2007 and became an Associate Director in 2017. Ross is an Architect equipped with the skills required to ensure high-quality project delivery across our specialist sectors.


Associate Director



Key Skills

  • Wide ranging experience
  • Key client relationship management
  • Team leadership
  • Stakeholder engagement


During his career Ross has worked with some of our longest standing clients. He has been leading our growing portfolio of refurbishment work in the residential sector including Retrofit and Building a Safer future commissions. His experience spans across multiple projects involving Higher Risk Buildings to around one thousand existing homes currently be improved as part of the Retrofit drive. Ross also oversees our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme - ensuring internal training is tailored to continually improve our teams’ skills and knowledge in an ever-evolving industry.

“Clients appreciate the adaptable skills I bring to each and every project - ensuring robust resourcing and high-quality outputs.”

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